کارگاه Modern Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
اطلاعیه کارگاه Bernoulli Center Program on Modern Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
توضیحات خود وبگاهشان
July 10 – August 5, 2022, EPFL, Bernoulli Center, Switzerland
Combinatorial Optimization deals with discrete optimization problems that are defined on combinatorial structures such as graphs, networks, or discrete sets in geometric arrangements. Motivated by diverse practical problem setups, the topic has developed into a rich discipline at the
intersection of mathematics and theoretical computer science. The area is deeply rooted in other fields such as combinatorics, convex geometry, computational complexity, or the geometry of numbers.
This program aims to increase the visibility of combinatorial optimization. It consists of a:
- Summer school: July 18 – 22
- Workshop: July 25 – 29
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